The Best Giveaways for Marathons, 5k’s, Triathlons, and IronMan Races

These races cause thousands of people to gather in one place at the same time – this presents a great opportunity to market your brand.

Make sure you are handing out custom printed products that make sense for the event and are useful at the same time!

*****For The Participant*****

  • Sunglasses

Sunglasses are a great idea for a a giveaway for a couple of reasons. Suppose it’s sunny day, and people forget to bring sunglasses. They need a way to protect their eyes from the harmful UV rays – and that’s where you come in as the race company or local vendor!

Even if the participants brought their own sunglasses this time, they may use your sunglasses at another time.

Sunglasses a stylish and practical giveaway that participants are sure to use, and you as the race company or local vendor will have an effective way to promote your brand at the same time.


Two Toned Sunglasses

  • Drawstring Bags

Why are drawstring bags a great option for giveaways?

They have a LARGE imprint area.

They are useful – participants will put all of their other giveaways inside of it and carry the bags out with them as they leave the event.

They are very inexpensive when purchased in bulk.

Finally, they are easy to store – as they are foldable and lightweight.

Every 5k or 10k that I have participated in (I am not capable of marathons!) hands out some variation of drawstring bag.

  • Sport Bottles (and variations)

It’s a given that people are going to get thirsty both during and after an event that is centered around long periods of physical activity such as a marathon, triathlon, IronMan Race, etc.

Eco-friendly sport bottles are a must- people will not want anything other than a bottle that is biodegradable, recyclable, BPA free, and Lead Free.

If possible, try to find a bottle that is made in the USA as well, for an indication of higher quality.

Sport bottles generally are inexpensive when ordered in bulk, and have large imprint area so your brand will have plenty of exposure.

*****For The Spectator*****

**While spectators are not paying the ticket price of participating in the event, they are still people who you can target your giveaways towards. Often, vendors at events such as 5k’s, marathons, triathlons, IronMans, and more, will have outdoor tents where people can sign up for a newsletter or just get a free giveaway for being present at the event. Don’t miss out on this marketing opportunity.**

  • Fans

It probably going to get hot out there! Spectators may not have shade where they are standing and will need some relief from the heat.

Nylon fans are a good choice for a VERY inexpensive giveaway that is practical and fun.

They are also easy to store and distribute.

  • Clappers

Give the spectators something to make noise about!

Hand Clappers are a great way to get spectators involved in the festivities.

These low cost promotional tools are a festive way to promote your brand while engaging spectators at the event.

We hope that this list, while not exhaustive, gives race companies and local vendors a good idea about what types of promotional products are going to be a hit at their next 5k, 10k, marathon, triathlon, IronMan, or any other race!

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